Monday, October 11, 2010

Taking a Break

I am taking a much needed break from all things mental.  My poor addled brain needs a rest!  And right now with the weather pretty much perfect here in Middle Tennessee, what could be better than to spend time outside digging in the dirt and doing some home improvements.  My husband has cleaned our beautiful cedar fencing with a pressure washer and yours truly is applying a water sealant to it.  A daunting task as we have lots of fencing and arbors in our landscaping.  But I am doing a little bit each day and have already made some noticeable progress.

But when the winter winds start nipping at my nose, I will be back, hopefully with my head clear and ready to immerse myself in whatever appears to be my next venture.  I am spending my down time knitting so I should have much to share about that before long.

Enjoy the fall, it will too soon be over!